German 110

German 110 class blog

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Berlin Calling

1.     The drugs are a way of relief for him and away of life for him.
2.     His fans take drugs at parties or at his concerts and they take them because they what to experience the party or concert in an altered state. And his fans take a variety of drugs from cocaine to marijuana.
3.     They focus on drugs to get them in the right mindset to listen to their music and be in an altered state.
4.     The main differences that in my home I was not exposed to drugs or alcohol.  And in the movie it makes it seem like everyone is doing drugs and it is the cool thing to do.
5.     The youth is changing it because now people are more relaxed and carefree and back in the day people had to work hard to get food or get a paycheck.

6.     I have not seen any to be honest.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

German Cuisine

German Cuisine

            German cuisine has changed as the nation has changed; German cuisine varies from region to region. A main staple in German food is meat, specifically beef, poultry and with pork being the most popular. Chicken is the most popular poultry for many Germans but some Germans enjoy duck, goose and turkey. In Germany an average person will consume abbot 134LB of meat a year. Many of the methods used in German cooking come from other cultures like France and Austria. For example one method is soften up tough cuts of meat by soaking it in red wine or vinegar for several days.
            The most popular food in the German diet is the Bratwurst. A Bratwurst is usually made up of ground pork and spices and is smoked and fully cooked in a water bath.  The first documented evidence of the Bratwurst in Germany dates back to 1313, and can be found in the Franconian city of Nuremberg which is still an internationally renowned center for the production of grill sausages.

Sources: "Bratwurst." - Schaller & Weber. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Franz Kemmrich

I am Franz Kemmrich, I am a young man that is friends with Paul. I think I made a difference in Paul and the other characters life through my death. I was the first to die and I was the first person that Paul and the others see suffer before I died. I opened Paul’s eyes about the real truth of wartime and how devastating it is. Although I did not want to believe that my leg was amputated. Paul is a good friend and is loyal to me.