German 110

German 110 class blog

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


The first half of 20th century saw a split between German and Austrian music. Arnold Schoenberg  moved along an increasingly avant-garde path, pioneering atonal music in 1909 and twelve tone music in 1923. Composers in Berlin took a more populist route, from the cabaret-like socialist operas of Kurt Weill. 
Many composers emigrated to the United States when the Nazi Party came to power, including Schoenberg, Hindemith, and Erich. During this period, the Nazi Party embarked on a campaign to rid Germany of so-called degenerate art, which became a catch-all phrase that included music with any link to Jews, Communists, jazz, and anything else thought to be dangerous. Some figures such as Karl Amadeus Hartmann remained defiantly in Germany during the years of Nazi dominance, continually watchful of how their output might be interpreted by the authorities.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The role of women and men in German society in the 18th and 19th Century

The role of women in Germy society in the 18th and 19th Century was that Women could not do anything with out the permission of the man, women were seen as inferior. There were four k’s the women lived by The four k’s were kinder (children) Kirche (church), Küche (Kitchen) and Kleider (clothes). The k’s indicated that the women’s job is bearing and raising children, attending religious activates like church, cooking and serving food to the men and children and last but not least women had to deal with the clothing, the washing and the fashion. Women were not able to access education. This all changed in the 20th century when women were given the right to vote in 1919. The men were the head of the household. The men were predominantly the breadwinners in the family